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- Paper-making industry Municipal water supply Metallurgic industry Pharmaceutical and medical industry Textile industry Electronics industry Food industry Chemical industry Fertilizer production Oil refining Electric power industry Glass-making industry
Ultrafiltration using hollow fiber membranes
Purpose – to retain the solid particles, organic compounds of high molecular mass and bacteria. Hollow fiber ultrafiltration filter elements are used. It is used for treatment of surface water, municipal water, treated waste water. Filter elements are cleaned by backwash with reverse flow of filtered water, as well as by chemical flush. Housings of filter elements are made of plastic. The memebranes are made of PVDF or polysulphone. The filter elements are grouped into modules (rack). Filtration system is assembled of modular systems.Quality of supplied water | Surface, municipal, deep water, bio-treated water |
Diaphragm salt elimination level | 0,01 – 0,04 μm |
Capacity of module | Capacity of module up to 200m3/h *capacity of the designed system is not limited |
Ultrafiltration using tubular membranes
Purpose – to concentrate the solutions of organic substances by removing water from solutions: paint, proteins, juice, yeast, fertilizers. Tubular ultrafiltration elements are used. It is applicable in the food production, industrial waste systems where valuable products are concentrated and returned to the production. Housings of filter elements are made of stainless steel and plastic. The membranes used are made of PVDF, PES, polyamide, ceramic. The filter elements are grouped into modules (rack). Filtration system is assembled of modular systems.Filtration fineness by molecular mass | 2000 – 200000MW |
UF unit is intended to retain the solid particles, organic compounds of high molecular weight and bacteria from water, as well as concentrate organic substances by removing the water.
Improve safety, minimize risk, and decrease waste with our MiniBulk onsite storage solution At NORE CHEM Solutions, we understand you need to optimize every element of your business to win in the marketplace. Our MiniBulk service is a complete storage and delivery system that improves plant safety and productivity.
Improve safety, minimize risk, and decrease waste with our MiniBulk onsite storage solution At NORE CHEM Solutions, we understand you need to optimize every element of your business to win in the marketplace. Our MiniBulk service is a complete storage and delivery system that improves plant safety and productivity.