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Equipment of Operation


To ensure efficient operation of the equipment, water treatment with chemicals is used.  It protects the equipment from scaling, corrosion, fouling, as well as neutralizes certain chemical elements and disinfects the water.

Application fields

Paper-making industry Municipal water supply Metallurgic industry Pharmaceutical and medical industry Textile industry Electronics industry Food industry Chemical industry Fertilizer production Oil refining Electric power industry Glass-making industry

Equipment used

Diaphragm or peristaltic metering pumps, chemical centrifugal pumps and vacuum injectors are used to introduce the chemical products to the water.

The range of chemical products used

  • Inhibitors, disinfectants, cleaning chemicals for membrane technologies
  • Boiler water inhibitors, oxygen scavengers, boiler cleaners
  • Cooling systems inhibitors, biocides
  • Water treatment coagulants and flocculants
  • Condensing economizers inhibitors, pH stabilizers
To ensure efficient operation of the equipment, water treatment with chemicals is used. It protects the equipment from scaling, corrosion, fouling, as well as neutralizes certain chemical elements and disinfects the water.
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