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Electric deionization

Application fields

Paper-making industry Municipal water supply Metallurgic industry Pharmaceutical and medical industry Textile industry Electronics industry Food industry Chemical industry Fertilizer production Oil refining Electric power industry Glass-making industry
Purpose – to reduce/eliminate residual water mineralization. The elements of semi-permeable membranes and mixed resin media are used. There are two resulting water flows obtained – purified water (permeate) and salts concentrate during process. It is used for water demineralization as the last stage of demineralization chain.
Quality of supplied waterWater treated by reverse osmosis or demineralized by ion exchange with conductivity 1-40 µS/cm
Conductivity of treated water0,056 – 3 µS/cm
Capacity of module0,2 m3/h – 150m3/h. *capacity of the designed system is not limited
Purpose – to reduce/eliminate residual water mineralization. The elements of semi-permeable membranes and mixed resin media are used. There are two resulting water flows obtained – purified water (permeate) and salts concentrate during process. It is used for water demineralization as the last stage of demineralization chain.
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