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unit is designed for water disinfection and oxidation of organic compounds.

Application fields

Paper-making industry Municipal water supply Metallurgic industry Pharmaceutical and medical industry Textile industry Electronics industry Food industry Chemical industry Fertilizer production Oil refining Electric power industry Glass-making industry

Water ozonation

Purpose – to kill the microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, to oxidize and break down the organic elements. Ozone is produced by air passing narrowly spaced electrodes under high voltage. Then the ozone is introduced and dissolved in water flow. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent which kills microorganisms, viruses and bacteria.

Quality of supplied waterFiltered water
Capacity of the unit by O35-720 g/h
Purpose – to kill the microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, to oxidize and break down the organic elements. Ozone is produced by air passing narrowly spaced electrodes under high voltage. Then the ozone is introduced and dissolved in water flow. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent which kills microorganisms, viruses and bacteria.
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